Tuesday, October 6, 2015


It can convert, adjust, preview, integrate the subtitles file (NOT video files). Also it can easily and quickly change the text encoding of it.  

What's New in Version 1.3.2 (10/06/2015)

• Improved compatibility for ruby tag.
• Improved parsing for ASS/SSA format.

Ver 1.3.2

• Requires macOS 10.9 or later.
• 'Multiple Timing Adjustment' support
• 'Text Encoding Settings' support
• 'Preview'
  - It is provided only for the purpose of adjusting the timing or checking the line width.
  - Subtitles can be previewed with/without the video file.
  - If it selects the subtitles (file_name or file_name*), it can play the video (file_name) in the video file list. 
  - When it opens a 'video file' or 'folder', it adds video files that opened by the user or video files contained in the folder to the video file list. And this list is maintained only while running.
  - Supported Video Formats: M4V, MP4, MOV, MKV, AVI, FLV, WMV, RMVB, M2TS, TS, TP, TRP
• ‘Line Beginnings’
  - It is applied only if Target Format is SMI, SRT.
  - Font Color Tag, Remove All Tags options can be previewed. Font Tag, FS Tag options are no effect if there are already same tags.
• ‘Line Width’
  - It is applied only if Target Format is SMI, SRT.
  - Restricted option can be previewed and is applied only if it is one line but too long, it has at least one space character.
• Subtitles Formats that can be opened: SMI, SRT, XML, SUB, TXT, SSA, .ASS 
  - XML: Lower 3rd, Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format version 5
  - SUB, TXT: MicroDVD (not 'SubViewer')
  - SSA: SubStation Alpha v4.00
  - .ASS: Advanced SubStation Alpha v4.00+

Examples that can be converted
• SMI, SRT, XML, SUB, TXT, SSA, .ASS → SMI, SMI (Integrated), SRT.
• SSA (.ASS)  SSA (.ASS): only for adjusting the timing.

• Some video player apps don't support the subtitles in Unicode・UTF-16.
• If it has a lot of subtitles files in another language about just one movie, it can easily manage them as just one subtitles file by using 'SMI (Integrated)' option.
• It can go to the guessed locations for the timing verification.
• It can get more informations about the format of subtitles at following pages.
  - SSA, .ASS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SubStation_Alpha

※ SubtitleManager uses some dynamic libraries of 'FFmpeg' licensed under the LGPLv2.1.


  1. i've tried to convert a .srt file to .smi or .smi(integrated) file but it doesn't work.... VLC doesn't recognize the file....which kind of setting i have to try?

  2. More tags for smi spec may be required by VLC. It require that start with '<sami>' tag, end with '</sami>' tag in SMI file. I'm sorry about your inconvenience. I will fix it at next version as soon as possible.

  3. thank you for quick answer.....i aspect new version!!!

  4. how can i adjust the time of the subtitle ? it was added to the movie but with a long gab between the audio and the subtitle

  5. SubtitleManager currently not support that adjust time. It just parse the time tag in smi or srt file. I consider add adjust time features to SubtitleManager at later(not 1.0.1). Usually, video player app support that adjust the timing to display subtitles.

  6. I have have a long project with tousands of subtitels made in FCP lower thirds text template.
    Can SubtitleManager import a XML file?

    Thanks ahead.

  7. Thanks. It do not support a XML file. Sorry. Currently SubtitleManager only support a SMI or SRT file. Can you provide a sample? If you provide a sample file, I will try once.

  8. Hi and thanks for your answer!
    Were or how should I send it to?

  9. Hi. Thanks for providing a sample file. After analyzing a file, I will comment whether it is possible. It will take some time.

  10. Hi,
    i've tried the new version to convert a .srt file to a .smi file, but the application crash i don't know why!!!! please help!

  11. Hi.

    I need more informations.
    - Can you give me a url that I can download this SRT file?
    - What is the text encoding of this SRT file?
    - Can you open it on SubtitleManager? And can you see the content of this SRT file at the second table view?
    - If you can't see the content of this srt file on SubtitleManager, try that open it on 'TextEdit'. And check that whether it is right to the spec of SRT.
    - What is the type that you choose? (SMI? SMI_integrated?)

  12. Hi.

    i've tried with this kind of .srt file:


    i've also tried .smi and .smi(integrated) but the application crash....
    if i try to convert the same file with subresync (a windows application), it works.....

    i hope this helps...

  13. Hi. Thanks for providing a url.

    I download some srt files at this url on Safari.
    - Fringe.s03e01.sub.itasa.srt
    - Fringe.s03e10.sub.itasa.srt
    - Fringe.s03e20.sub.itasa.srt
    - Fringe.s03e22.sub.itasa.srt

    And I open it on SubtitleManager 1.0.1 under Mac OS X 10.6.7.

    Settings are same as followings.
    - Text Encoding For Opening: Automatic or Western (Windows Latin 1)
    - Each File's Encoding: Korean (Windows, DOS) or Western (Windows Latin 1)
    - Each File's Language: change 'Unknown' to 'Italian'.
    - Targets Type: SMI
    - Targets Text Encoding: UTF8 or UTF16
    - 32bit or 64bit running mode.

    And I click start. It works well. There are no problems.

    Try that remove SubtitleManager and re-install it(App Store > Sign-in > Purchased > SubtitleManager - Click Install).

    Or when crash is occurred, click send a crash report to apple. Then I can see this report if it is involved in SubtitleManager.

  14. Hi.
    i've tried your configuration but the application crashes everytime.
    i've also tried to re-install but no luck....
    here's a piece of the crash report, maybe it can help:

    *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: aString != nil'

    any idea?

  15. Hi.

    I catch the error as followings.

    *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: aString != nil'
    *** Call stack at first throw:

    Just change the target's directory to the writable place. This error occurs when trying to write the converted file to write-lock folder or disk.

    In next version, I add a routine to check whether target's path is writable. Sorry for your inconvenience.

    If still not solved, leave me a comment.
    Thanks and Good luck.

  16. hi.

    you're right! now it works....


  17. Just downloaded this to convert an .mkv video file but when I press start nothing happens.

  18. Is it a question about MKV2M4V?

    I need more informations.

    After opening the mkv file,
    let me know about the information of source tracks and error message
    (check that 'Ignore the error message' checkbox is unchecked)
    and conversion options.

  19. 정말 찾아 헤메이던 앱입니다. 구입전 질문이 있습니다.
    1. 윈도우용 한글 인코딩된 SMI를 잘 인식하는지 (경우에 따라 몇몇 문자 등으로 인해 안돼는 경우가 있는 앱도 있어서) 그리고 UTF-8으로 잘 변환 저장 되는지
    2. 통합 SMI처럼 한글/영문이 동시에 있는 SMI의 경우 각각의 언어를 각각의 SRT로 저장할 수 있는지 (특히 KRCC, ENCC등 각 언어별 태그가 잘못된 경우에도 잘 인식하는지)
    3. SMI를 SRT로 변환시 SMI의 컬러코드가 SRT용 컬러코드로 잘 변환이 되는지.
    4. SRT cleaner 등의 앱으로 SRT 오류 수정 등을 한 SRT의 경우 m4v 소프트 자막으로 추가 할 시에 대사가 끝나도 화면에 자막이 그냥 남아 있는 경우가 있었습니다. (SRT cleaner를 안쓴 경우에는 문제없음). 원인이나 이유는 모르겠습니다. 혹시 이런 경우가 발생할 수도 있을지..

    저의 주 용도는 M4V 소프트 자막으로 넣기 위해 SMI를 SRT로 바꾸는 것입니다.
    이렇게 바꿔진 SRT를 iVI인코더와 Subler 등을 이용해서 m4v로 변환하고 자막을 추가하는 것입니다.

    위에 질문한 4가지는 SMI -> SRT전환시 매번 경험하는 문제들로 이것만 해결이 된다면 맥에서는 경쟁상대가 전혀 없는 최강 앱이 될 것 같습니다.

    한가지 기능추가 요청은 자막을 자동으로 찾는 기능입니다. 저작권등의 문제로 가능할지는 모르겠습니다만 윈도우의 곰플레이어 처럼 동영상을 드래그 드랍하면 자막을 자동으로 찾아서 앱에 추가 되고 여러 작업을 할 수 있는 환경.
    곰플레이어도 하는 것이니 특별히 저작권 문제가 없을 것도 같구요.
    한발 더 나아가서 subtitlemanager를 통해 작업되는 자막을 업로드 할 수 있는 공간을 만들고 이걸 이용해서 동영상 자막 자동 찾아주기 등을 할 수도 있겠군요.

    찾던 앱을 만나 글이 길어졌습니다.

  20. 위의 4번 문제 경우 제 생각은 Line구분 문제 일수도 있을 것 같습니다. CR/LF/CRLF 같이 말이죠. 이부분에 대한 출력 옵션이 궁금하네요.

    갑자기 생각나서 한줄에 다 못쓰고 댓글 하나 더 달았습니다.

  21. 1. 잘 인식합니다. 다른 인코딩일 경우(간혹 한글인데 윈도우 일본어 인코딩인 경우도 있습니다) 텍스트 인코딩 방식을 변경해보면 거의 인식합니다. UTF-8로 변환 또한 잘 됩니다.
    2. 통합 SMI의 각 언어별로 각각 하나의 SRT파일로 저장할 수 있습니다. (Target Type 옵션: SRT) 각 언어별 태그가 동일한 것을 한 묶음으로 인식하기 때문에, SUBTL등의 언어별 태그를 적용한 SMI파일도 인식합니다.
    3. 자막 내용 자체는 건드리지 않기 때문에 컬러코드는 원본과 같습니다. SMI컬러코드 및 SRT용 컬러코드에 대해 좀 더 자세하게 알려주시면 추후에 반영하도록 하겠습니다.
    4. 아마도 종료시간이 엉켜버렸거나 시간 라인 전에 공백이 삭제되었다든지 하는 문제로 그럴 수도 있고요. 이 앱에서는 그런 문제는 없습니다. 줄바꿈은 현재 LF로만 되어있는데요. 추후에 옵션 넣을 계획입니다.

    자막 자동 찾기는 추후에 한번 고려해보고 결정하도록 하겠습니다. 업로드 공간은 좀 힘들 것 같고요.


  22. 자세한 답변 감사드림니다! 질문드리고 나서 일단 구매부터 했습니다. 금일 여러가지로 테스트해보고 피드백도 드리고 하겠습니다. 맥앱스토어에 멋진 한국앱들이 많아지고 있어서 기분이 좋네요.
    컬러코드 건은 제가 세부 내용은 잘 모르겠으나 http://zoc.kr/1055 에서 배포하는 인코더로 작업할때는 컬러코드까지 변환이 되는 것 같습니다. http://yamb.unite-video.com/ 이걸로 작업해도 컬러코드가 살아 있다고 하네요.
    그리고 아래는 제가 찾은 해외포럼 글입니다.SRT 컬러코드 예제가 있습니다. http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=73953

  23. 네. 정보 감사합니다. mp4파일에 closed caption 넣어주는 앱들이 인식하는 컬러코드 문제인 듯 합니다. yellow 또는 rgb값 둘 중 하나만 지원하는 것으로 보입니다. 실제 해당 앱들 돌려봐야 더 자세히 알겠지만요. 추후 테스트 해보고 문제가 있다면 srt로 저장시 컬러코드 변환 처리하도록 반영하겠습니다.

  24. 파이널 컷에서 자막작업 하고 smi로 변환 시켜야 되는데 이 앱이 xml파일을 읽긴 읽는데 밑에 자막같은게 안나오네요 방법좀 알려주세요

    1. 이 앱이 지원하는 xml 형식은 다음과 같은데요.

      - Lower 3rd 자막
      - Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format version 5

      1. 파이널컷에서 export하실 때 'XML Interchange Format version 5'인지 확인하시고요.

      2. 파이널컷프로7이 아니고 X일 경우 지원여부는 확실하지 않습니다.

      3. XML 형식의 텍스트인코딩은 UTF8형식의 XML만 지원하니 이것도 확인해보시길 바랍니다.

      4. 해당 xml 파일을 텍스트편집기를 통해 열어보시고 다음 항목들이 있는지 확인해보세요.
      generatoritem id="Lower 3rd"
      generatoritem id="Lower 3rd1"
      위 항목들이 없다면 Lower 3rd 자막이 아니기 때문에 지원하지 않습니다.

      여전히 안되신다면 다시 댓글 남겨주시고요. (해당 파일 내용을 제가 볼 수 있다면 좀 더 자세한 원인 분석이 가능합니다.)

  25. I can not make iso-8859-1 subtitles to utf-8, what can be happening?

    1. It seems that the text encoding of this subtitle is 'ISOLatin1'. But this app do not support 'ISOLatin1'. I will consider this matter in the next version.


  26. How can i uninstall this software?

    1. Run Launchpad, click and hold SubtitleManager icon until 'X' mark is showed, and then click 'X' to uninstall.

  27. hi
    i have a problem with program
    when i want to open it , it says program is closed not expected
    how can i fix it?

    1. Hi.

      Do you mean that it was crashed when you ran this app?
      In this case, please uninstall this app and install it again. And if possible, please report this crash report to apple on the followed dialog box. And then I can see this report.

      Do you mean that it was crashed when you open a subtitle file on this app?
      Please send this file (and screenshot) by email. (You can get my email address at the top of this page.)

    2. hi and thank you.
      i reported it to apple more than 1.
      and i have a question that i paid to install it. if i install it again do you know i pay anything again??

    3. Okay. I will check it and reply about it. (it takes some times.)

      Do not have to pay again. Please use item in the purchased list in App store.

    4. Apple says related reports is too few. So I can't see the report.
      Please email the content of report or screenshot.

  28. Hello! I bought the app, I thought it can import Final Cut Pro X, but I was wrong, it will be possible in the future import .fcpxml?

    Thank you!

    1. Hello.

      Would you send some sample files? (at least three sample files)
      And if possible, please show me some timing and text sample in the one sample file for the exact parsing and testing.

      And if I got sample files and it can be converted in the form of SMI (or SRT) timing and text, this feature (import '.fcpxml') will be added at the next version and it will take some time.

      You can get my e-mail address at the top of this page.

      Thank you.

  29. Hi,
    whenever i try to open a movie it says The document “cultm-0045.mp4” could not be opened. SubtitleManager cannot open files in the “MPEG-4 movie” format." doe sthta mean that i have to change the format of my movie? how can i do that? or is there another way?

    1. Hi,
      I need more informations.
      (* Screenshot when you got message,
      * Link for this file,
      * Information about video file tracks' codec)

      SubtitleManager basically supports '.mp4' type. If you open 'folder', it automatically add the same name video files with subtitles file ('cultm-0045.srt' or 'cultm-0045.smi'...) into the video file list. And then when you choose the subtitles files in the list and preview option was on, you could see the video file with that subtitles.

      But according to this video file's codec, it could be impossible to open this video file.


  30. Hi
    I just bought this app and I found it very useful and intuitive. there's only a couple of things that bugged me:
    - even though it supports so many different text encodings, it can only save in UTF8/16 (unless I'm missing something)
    - it doesn't convert to .sub
    Is there a chance you could implement such features in future updates?
    Otherwise, this app is great. Keep up your good work.

    1. Hi.

      Yes. It support only UTF8/16 and SMI/SRT for 'save' but do many other encodings and types for 'open'.

      When consider trends and Mac environments, I think it is enough and it reduces the complexity to use. But please let me know if there are another reasons that require another text encodings or types for 'save'.


  31. Hi.
    I watch movies with multiple-audio channels. Is it possible with this app to switch audio-tracks in video-frame?

    1. Hi.

      SubtitleManager's 'Preview in Movie' feature is that it displays subtitles in the movie for the purpose of timing adjustment. But I agree to your proposal. It is probable that there are audio-tracks that have a different audio synchronization. I will add this feature to the next version.

      Thanks for your ideas.

  32. Hi,

    1. Can you publish a list of all supported encodings for "Open"? I'm interested if Windows-1250 is supported.

    2. I can open .srt file which is encoded in Windows-1250 a save it in UTF-8 (with correct characters). Do I understand it right?

    1. Hi,

      * Please see this post for the supported encodings of SubtitleManager.

      * In Mac OS X, 'Windows-1250' is perhaps one of the three.
      'Central European'
      'Central European (ISO Latin 2)'
      'Central European (ISO Latin 4)'

      * About Question 2, it seems to actually be able to know it after testing. Please send me that srt file (encoded in Windows-1250) as a zip file by email and I will send the converted file to you. And then you can check whether all characters are normally converted with TextEdit app.

      Thank you.

    2. Thank you for your quick response. TextWrangler can change encoding reliably (as I found out today). TextEdit doesn't work for me. UTF-8 is enough for me.

    3. If it opens the file with selecting the appropriate encoding on SubtitleManager, of course, it can be converted into UTF-8 or UTF-16.

      And I mentioned TextEdit as the checker for the content encoded in UTF-8 or UTF-16.

      Thank you.

  33. 안녕하세요.
    예전에 앱스토어에서 구매하고 지금까지 잘 쓰고 있는데요...
    최근에 새 맥을 구해서 이 앱을 설치하려고 했더니 앱스토어에서 조회가 안 되네요.
    적어도 한국 앱스토어에서는요...
    그래서 일단 구매목록에서 찾아 설치는 했는데, 혹시 앱스토어 등록에 문제가 있으신 건가요?

    1. 안녕하세요.
      한국을 판매 지역에서 제외하여서 그렇습니다.
      업데이트 및 타 지역 판매는 정상적으로 계속 유지됩니다.
      다만, 한국 지역에서 기존에 구입하신 분들께서는
      앱스토어를 통한 자동 업데이트가 되지 않기 때문에
      삭제 후에 구매목록에서 재설치를 하셔야 최신 업데이트 사용이 가능합니다.
      양해 부탁드립니다.
      (관련 포스트: http://bohoonkim.blogspot.kr/2015/10/blog-post.html)

  34. Hi,
    did your APP support Arabic language in SRT files ?
