Ver 2.2.0 (05/25/2024)
• Requires macOS 10.13 or later.
• Requires macOS 10.13 or later.
• Updated FFmpeg libraries.
• Added ±10 seconds to subtitles sync.
- Click 'Sync +10.0', 'Sync -10.0' on 'Subtitles' menu.
- Or hold down ⌘ and click '+', '-' icons on the control bar.
• Optimized portrait(vertical) video playback.
• Improved stability.
• Fixed bugs.
Ver 2.1.0 (11/24/2020)
• 'Plan B' was added for subtitles.
• 'Plan B' was added for subtitles.
- For multi-language subtitles, if characters cannot be displayed with the current font, the next font is applied in order.
- It is recommended to set from small set to large set order. For example, 'Gill Sans' for English, 'Hiragino Sans W4' for Japanese, 'ThecircleM' for Korean.
※ The 'ThecircleM' font can be downloaded from The Circle Foundation. (
• 'Ruby Spacing' was added for subtitles.
• Minor bugs were fixed.
Ver 2.0.1 (09/10/2019)
• Minor bug fixed.
Ver 2.0.0 (09/03/2019)
• Minor bug fixed.
Ver 2.0.0 (09/03/2019)
• Requires macOS 10.11 or later.
• Totally re-coded. So, user settings from previous versions will no longer apply.
• Improves decoding and playing video, audio, subtitles.
• Improves decoding and playing video on Non-Hardware-Acceleration FFmpeg mode.
• Improves decoding and playing interlaced video on FFmpeg mode.
• Improves moving playback position.
• 'HEVC Hardware Acceleration' supports. This feature requires macOS 10.13 or later and recent CPU.
• 'Playback Speed Settings' supports on FFmpeg mode too.
• 'Commentary' feature added. It can show a plain text commentary file in a separate window.
• 'Exact' feature added. If it is on, forward/backward are moved by 3 seconds exactly. And this option uses more CPU/GPU.
• 'Hacc', '10-bit', 'Exact' option is valid only on FFmpeg mode. And '10-bit' option is valid only on Non-Hardware-Acceleration FFmpeg mode (automatic on Hardware-Acceleration FFmpeg mode).
• Some menus moved to side/bottom control-bar.
• Updates FFmpeg libraries.
• Totally re-coded. So, user settings from previous versions will no longer apply.
• Improves decoding and playing video, audio, subtitles.
• Improves decoding and playing video on Non-Hardware-Acceleration FFmpeg mode.
• Improves decoding and playing interlaced video on FFmpeg mode.
• Improves moving playback position.
• 'HEVC Hardware Acceleration' supports. This feature requires macOS 10.13 or later and recent CPU.
• 'Playback Speed Settings' supports on FFmpeg mode too.
• 'Commentary' feature added. It can show a plain text commentary file in a separate window.
• 'Exact' feature added. If it is on, forward/backward are moved by 3 seconds exactly. And this option uses more CPU/GPU.
• 'Hacc', '10-bit', 'Exact' option is valid only on FFmpeg mode. And '10-bit' option is valid only on Non-Hardware-Acceleration FFmpeg mode (automatic on Hardware-Acceleration FFmpeg mode).
• Some menus moved to side/bottom control-bar.
• Updates FFmpeg libraries.
Ver 1.5.6 (10/06/2015)
Improved compatibility for ruby tag.
Ver 1.5.5 (08/04/2015)
Improves compatibility for a little non-standard SMI format.
Ver 1.5.4 (07/11/2015)
• Fixed the issue that it does not work normally when it switches to the full-screen mode in the secondary monitor.
• Improved other minor things.
• Improved other minor things.
Ver 1.5.3 (06/05/2015)
Improves compatibility with ruby tag in the subtitles.
Ver 1.5.2 (05/15/2015)
Fixes the issue that the Playlist window's positions are not restored correctly when video files are opened through the Finder.
Ver 1.5.1 (05/05/2015)
• Enhances the followings.
- Showing windows on a dual-monitor
- Pinch gestures
- Showing windows on a dual-monitor
- Pinch gestures
Ver 1.5.0 (04/09/2015)
• Requires OS X 10.9 or later.
• Improves the features related to ‘Subtitles’.
• Updates FFmpeg libraries.
• Improves the features related to ‘Subtitles’.
• Updates FFmpeg libraries.
Ver 1.4.4 (11/10/2014)
• Improves the compatibility related to H.264 Hardware Acceleration. (FFmpeg mode)
• Changes related to Subtitle.
- It searches the subtitle files named like these at the step that the first file was found.
First, at the same folder - VideoFileName or VideoFileName* + .smi or .srt
Second, at ‘F where’/KPlayer - VideoFileName or VideoFileName* + .smi or .srt
Finally, at ‘F where’/KPlayer - FolderName or FolderName* + .smi or .srt (only when opened the BDMV’s folder)
- It can select two subtitles at ‘Inspector’.
- It can adjust the line-spacing at ‘Preferences’.
• Optimizes the performance.
• Fixes minor bugs.
Ver 1.4.3 (05/09/2014)
• Supports the 'YUV444P 10-bit' pixel format. (FFmpeg mode)
• Adds '10-bit Pixel' option to Preferences. (FFmpeg mode)
• Improves the compatibility related to the 'H.264 Hardware Acceleration'. (FFmpeg mode)
• Fixes minor bugs.
• Adds '10-bit Pixel' option to Preferences. (FFmpeg mode)
• Improves the compatibility related to the 'H.264 Hardware Acceleration'. (FFmpeg mode)
• Fixes minor bugs.
Ver 1.4.2 (01/07/2014)
• ‘Auto Play’ option was added to the ‘Control’ menu.
- Regardless of this setting, video files in the playlist are automatically played in succession but the ‘Watched’ video file isn’t automatically played.
• Other minor things were improved.Ver 1.4.1 (11/15/2013)
• 'Playlist' feature was improved.
- It can be changed to 'Watched' or 'Unwatched' item.
- The save and reuse of the final playback status was improved.
• Other minor things were improved.
- It can be changed to 'Watched' or 'Unwatched' item.
- The save and reuse of the final playback status was improved.
• Other minor things were improved.
Ver 1.4.0 (10/30/2013)
• It requires OS X 10.8 or later.
• 'FFmpeg' libraries were updated.
• ‘TP’, ‘TS’, ‘TRP’ types are supported.
• 'FFmpeg' libraries were updated.
• ‘TP’, ‘TS’, ‘TRP’ types are supported.
Ver 1.3.5 (09/26/2013)
• 'F where' option was added in 'Preferences'. (Sandbox)
- If this option is set, there are no restrictions by Sandbox when you open 'file' in this 'F where' folder and its subfolders.
- But if you open 'folder', regardless of 'F where', there are no restrictions by Sandbox.
• Bug fixes.
Ver 1.3.4 (06/26/2013)
• 'QuickTime' mode was changed to 'Native' mode.
- It doesn't support 'Perian'.
- It doesn't support 'Perian'.
- In 'Native' mode, 'H.264 Hardware Acceleration' option can't be changed. (automatic)
• Minor things were enhanced.
Ver 1.3.3 (03/26/2013)
• Fixed bugs related to the playlist.
• Fixed bugs related to the video file that has the abnormal information about the running time.
• Fixed bugs related to the video file that has the abnormal information about the running time.
Ver 1.3.2 (01/31/2013)
• Related to the opening of the 'BDMV' included folder
- It could automatically open the same or similar named subtitles file with this folder.
- 'Playlist' was enhanced.
• Improved compatibility related to subtitles.
• Improved compatibility related to subtitles.
Ver 1.3.1 (10/05/2012)
• Fixed bugs that bottom pixels are missing up when playing some video in FFmpeg mode.
• Enable to open multiple files and folders. (Sandbox related)
- If you open video 'files' that not exist in the following folder and its subfolders (~/Downloads, ~/Movies, ~/Music),
- you should manually open subtitle files with same name as the video file,
- it doesn't support subtitle files with similar name as the video file,
- it doesn't support the feature that the playlist is automatically made up.
• Enhanced other minor things.
Ver 1.3.0 (09/10/2012)
• Require OS X 10.7.3 or later.
• 'm2ts' type support.
- Also, m2ts files that are contained in 'BDMV' will be automatically added to the playlist when you open the folder that contains 'BDMV'.
• Improved features about seeking in FFmpeg decoding mode.
• Improved features about subtitle.
- If there are no subtitle files with the same or similar name as the video file in the same folder, they will be also searched in the following folder. (~/Movies/KPlayer)
- Fixed bugs about the font tag with a blank color value.
• Each of decoding modes separately have 'H.264 Hardware Acceleration' settings.
• Updated FFmpeg library.
• Enhanced other minor things.
Ver 1.2.10 (08/15/2012)
• This is the last update for the OS X 10.6.x user.
• Bugs about changing the decoding mode is fixed.
• Enhanced other minor things.
Ver 1.2.9 (07/31/2012)
• Sandbox was adopted.
- If OS X 10.7 or later,
- You can select only a folder in the 'open' dialog box.
- In order to be compatible with OS X 10.6.x, currently, the 'continued playing' feature only works when you recently opened a file or folder in the following folder or its subfolders: ~/Downloads, ~/Movies.
• Improved features about 'playlists'.
- Automatically saved and reused folder-playlists. (up to 100 folder-playlists)
- Separately, automatically saved and reused file-playlist. (the most recent, only one file-playlist)
- Automatically saved and reused final playback position for each file in the playlist.
• More optimized 'QuickTime' mode and 'FFmpeg' mode.
• Improved features about positioning a window in the dual monitor.
• Added the feature that the playback window is always in front.
• Added the feature to change the default color of the subtitle. (but not allowed specify color)
• If there are no subtitle files with the same name as the video file, it opens subtitle files with a similar name as this. (automatic)
• Added some new text encodings. (ISO *)
• Changed to move video files that were playing to the end and its subtitle files to Trash about features related 'Move to Trash'.
• Enhanced other minor things.
Ver 1.2.8 (02/21/2012)
• improved features about the 'Playlist', 'FFmpeg mode'.
• enhanced other minor things.
Ver 1.2.7 (02/02/2012)
• added 'Decoding' mode('QuickTime' or 'FFmpeg').
• removed 'Save as QuickTime Movie'.
• enhanced other minor things.
Ver 1.2.6 (10/28/2011)
• improved features about the 'Subtitle', 'Text Encoding', 'Playback Speed', 'Skip'.
• enhanced other minor things.
Ver 1.2.5 (08/29/2011)
• 'Skip' support.
• fixed the bug about opening a video file using the dragging to icon or the mouse's right button on the Finder.
• improved the user interface.
Ver 1.2.4 (07/14/2011)
• improved the compatibility of the tag(ruby, comment) in subtitles.
• sorted the play-list like the finder-sorting.
• ready to Mac OS X 10.7.
Ver 1.2.3 (04/22/2011)
• Improve features about parsing SRT file.
• Optimize features about parsing class tag in SMI file and ruby tag in subtitles.
• Optimize features about opening a video file.
• It is possible to setting the asynchronous opening option.
• It is possible to open the saved movie file after saving as QuickTime movie file.
• Improve User Interface.
Ver 1.2.2 (03/17/2011)
• It is possible to open the directory.
• Improve features about playing MKV files.
• Improve features about SRT subtitles.
• Improve user interface.
Ver 1.2.1 (03/01/2011)
• Fix an error about the file's extension.
• 32-bit mode is added.
Ver 1.2.0 (02/18/2011)
• Playback speed settings support.
• Continued playing support.
• Move to Trash support.
• Save as QuickTime Movie support.
• Ruby tag for subtitles support.
• User settings about Text Encoding for subtitles support.
• Improve features about displaying of subtitles, currently playing time.
• The changed 'H.264 Hardware Acceleration' settings is applied immediately.
• Improve user interface.
Ver 1.1.0 (01/26/2011)
• Improve user interface.
• Improve features about the playback of MKV, AVI.
• Fix an error in the FPS calculation.
Ver 1.0.0 (01/06/2011)